Host Farai Chideya explores the economic recovery in this installment of the NEXT New York Conversation. The unemployment rate is dropping, but what kinds of new jobs are people getting? What age groups face the toughest challenges in this market? And are many of us settling for less and doing more?
Our jobs recovery is a work-in-progress, and we want to know what lessons you’ve learned from the “Great Recession” and what questions you have about what lies ahead. We’ve got a diverse panel of voices, including job placement experts and a laid-off worker who has sent out hundreds of resumes yet is facing eviction and long-term unemployment. We’ll also take a deep dive into the future economy with Vice President of Civic Ventures Marci Alboher, Professor Carl Van Horn and Alexandra Cavoulacos.
Join us for a brainstorming session on what the current jobs landscape is, and how to prepare for what comes next.